Saddle shoes were the in thing when I was in high school. They were very hard to keep clean. I cleaned off the old, scuffed polish and then re-polished mine every night. But the white parts got black marks and the black parts got a white film, every day. There were a few other kids that kept theirs immaculate all day, but I never figured out how they did it. The other kind of shoes we wore in high school were white bucks, also very hard to keep clean. The white material was like white nubuck that is sold now or white suede. They were also oxfords, like our saddle shoes.
It was very popular to wear pink and black: a black skirt for girls or black pants for boys, worn with pink blouses or shirts. Calvin, my boyfriend when I was a senior, and I would wear black and pink clothes on the same days. And on those days, we would polish our shoes pink and black, thanks to food coloring in the polish.
I hated saddle shoes and objected to them every chance I got. I never wore them in high school.